ADSL2+ Price List

Special services and Packages

In act 237 of the Communications Regulatory Authority, a “NonVolume-Based” service is defined which is similar to unlimited services. These services are available at 4 different speeds, their monthly traffic are higher than normal Volume-Based services, and their speeds remains the same throughout the service period. As well.

The first difference between these two services is their way of speed allocation. Volume-based services are currently available in two connection speed groups which called Special (from 2 Mbps to 16 Mbps) and basic (from 128 Kbps to 1 Mbps), whereas Non Volume-Based services are available in 4 fixed connection speeds (1, 2, 4 and 8 Mbps).
The second difference between these services is the amount of their monthly traffic. Non-volume-Based services have a higher amount of monthly traffic.
The third difference is the cost of extra traffic when the user exceeds the volume limit. In the Volume-based service, if the user approaches the volume limit, they must buy extra traffic based on the normal traffic tab, whereas, in Non-Volume-Based services, each extra Gigabyte costs 1,500 Toman.

Special offers have a guaranteed fixed connection speed of 1 Mbps with the possibility of increasing it up to 8 Mbps, whereas Volume-based services are available in two connection speed groups of special (from 2 Mbps to 16 Mbps) and basic (from 128 Kbps to 1 Mbps).
All the traffic of the Volume-Based services are added at once at the beginning of the period, while the data traffic of special offers is added monthly.
Some of the special offers are exclusive to new customers, while such limitation is not imposed on Volume-Based services.

The guaranteed connection speed of special Volume-Based services are 2 Mbps and are upgradable up to 16 Mbps. This means that the minimum speed is definitely 2 Mbps. But the speed is upgradable up to 16 Mbps provided the line is strong enough. Go to this address to get familiar with the differences between Bit and Byte.
It should be noted that the cost of these services is lower than the minimum guaranteed speed and even if the line is not strong enough, the subscriber will not endure any losses.

The defined services are designed with the goal of simplicity in choice and profitability; therefore, Volume-Based services are available with a 9 to 19 percent discount compared to the fee of the service’s minimum speed so as to fulfill both of the abovementioned goals.
Currently, instead of paying different fees for different connection speed levels, subscribers can receive a service with their desired speed by paying the fee of a lower speed level.

Non-Volume-Based services are similar to unlimited services but a service with an unlimited traffic volume is not currently available.

Service volume and extra data traffic

Currently, buying a sparkler is possible on all ADSL-based services (including Volume and Non-Volume-Based services and special offers).

All of the traffic of the Volume-Based services are added at once at the beginning of the period, while the traffic of special offers is added monthly to the user’s account.

No, it can’t. The traffic of current special offers and services cannot normally be rolled over to the next billing period.

Traffic (GB) 10 5 3 1
Traffic (GB) 24.400 13.400 9.000 3.000


  • The price of extra traffic is determined according to act 237 of the Communications Regulatory Authority.
  • Upload traffic is free of charge.
  • A 9 percent value-added tax is added to all fees.
  • For “NonVolume-Based” services, the fee for buying each extra Gigabyte of traffic will be 1,500 Toman
Speed Special services up to 16 Mbps With lower amounts of data traffic
The minimum guaranteed connection speed: 2 Mbps
Traffic (GB) 24 6 2
Total Cost (Toman) 12.000 34.900 125.200
Period of service 12 Month 3 Month 1 Month

Speed Special services up to 16 Mbps With Upper amounts of data traffic
The minimum guaranteed connection speed: 2 Mbps
Traffic (GB) 84 21 7
Total Cost (Toman) 23.500 66.200 231.500
Period of service 12 Month 3 Month 1 Month

Speed Special services up to 1 Mbps With lower amounts of data traffic
The minimum guaranteed connection speed: 128 Kbps
Traffic (GB) 2
Total Cost (Toman) 7.500
Period of service 1 Month


  • "Traffic in each period" means the total amount of received traffic in that period.
  • Uploaded traffic is free of charge for all services.
  • According to act 237 of the Communications Regulatory Authority, the fees related to establish and discharge of subscribers’ port which is done by the Telecommunications Company of Iran is 5,000 Toman which will be charged along with the fee of services and special offers upon installation.
  • Per the request of the subscriber, the fee for in-house installation is 15,000 Toman according to act 237 of the Communications Regulatory Authority.
  • A 9 percent value-added tax is added to all of the above fees.

NonVolume-Based services are similar to unlimited services in that they have a high amount of available traffic.
Their difference with usual unlimited services is that when the user exceeds the specified traffic plan, instead of a decrease in speed, their speed remains the same throughout the service period. On the other hand, if usage approaches volume limit, it is possible to buy extra traffic with a lower price or in the form of a Sparkler.

Speed 1Mbps 2Mbps 4Mbps 8Mbps
Traffic (GB) 17 25 34 50
Total Cost (Toman) 25.000 40.000 60.000 100.000
Period of service 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month


  • "Traffic in each period" means the total amount of received traffic in that period.
  • Upload traffic is free of charge for all services.
  • According to act 237 of the Communications Regulatory Authority, the fees related to establish and discharge of subscribers’ port which is done by the Telecommunications Company of Iran is 5,000 Toman which will be charged along with the fee of services and special offers upon installation.
  • Per the request of the subscriber, the fee for in-house installation is 15,000 Toman according to act 237 of the Communications Regulatory Authority.
  • A 9 percent value-added tax is added to all of the above fees.

Our retail department is ready to answer your questions and guide you through the purchase of packages and services every day from 8 to 24 with the nationwide phone number of 1565.